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Stop ‘hate politics’ against Harsh Mander, other social activists: Prominent Citizens issue joint statement

New Delhi: More than 650 members of civil society have issued a joint statement calling for the abandonment of ‘hate politics’ against Harsh Mander and other social activists. The statement also accuses the central government of abusing laws such as the Foreign Donation Control Act and other regulatory bodies with the intent of harassing civil organizations.

The joint statement comes in the wake of the case filed against Harsh Mander’s two shelters set up by his Center for Equity Studies in South Delhi, which was accused of violating rules under the Juvenile Justice Act.
The central government is targeting former IAS officer Mander as a form of political hatred and it is indicative of how dissenters are seen in today’s India, the statement said.

The statement condemned the allegations of sexual misconduct and financial crimes made against Mander’s NGO shelters. It also demanded that civil society must be allowed to function democratically and be recognized for its role in nation-building activities.

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