No foreign leader for the Republic Day parade-2021 | First time since 1966


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According to a report, weeks ahead of the January 26 Republic Day celebrations, UK PM Boris Johnson Tuesday cancelled his visit to India citing fresh lockdown in England and the rapid spread of the new Covid strain. he was going to be the chief guest.

Both sides played down the development with Johnson reiterating his “keenness” to visit India in the near future in a phone call to PM Narendra Modi and the latter expressing his understanding, according to a statement issued by the Indian government, of the “exceptional situation” in the UK, while conveying his best wishes for the quick control of the pandemic.

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India may not have any guest at all for the Republic Day parade this year, assuming the parade will still happen. The name of the Republic Day guest is generally finalised and announced months in advance. In that case, this will be the first time since 1966 that there will be no invite to a foreign leader for Republic-Day.

(Source: TOI)

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