Mosques are now COVID treatment centres In Modi’s Hometown!


Forgetting caste, creed, and religion in Gujarat, which is known for its communal conflict, Darul Uloom Masjid has transformed into a hospital for the treatment of COVID patients.

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Darul Uloom Mosque, which has been converted into a 142-bed hospital for COVID patients had turned into a 192-bed hospital last year when COVID cases were severe and educational institutions were refused permission to make them into temporary hospitals.
Those who were seriously afflicted by COVID were admitted to this hospital. Infected doctors, health workers, and grandmothers were among those who had been admitted to this hospital.

At the time, a fully stocked fridge with fruits, dry fruits, milk, and biscuits was arranged for the patients in the hospital. Arif Hakeem Falahi, Managing Trustee of Darul Uloom said that this time around too, similar arrangements had been made. The mosque in Mogulwada too has been converted into a 50-bed hospital.

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