Backdoor attempts to implement CAA must be defeated : Popular Front


Popular Front of India Chairman O M A Salam, in a statement, has called on the democratic forces in the country to resist any attempt by the Modi Govt to bring the discriminatory Citizenship Amendment Act 2019 back through backdoor.

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It seems that the Centre has started the process of implementing the controversial Citizenship Amendment Act that was put on hold after it sparked massive protests across the country. Govt has already invited applications for citizenship from non-Muslim refugees from neighbouring countries. The notification was issued inviting applications from Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi and Christian refugees in 15 districts in Gujarat, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Haryana and Panjab.

The Govt is using the Covid situation as a cover to implement the exclusionist and communally divisive legislation that questions the very foundations of the constitution. It’s to be remembered that the country is facing one of the worst medical emergencies in history and people are dying in their thousands due to insufficient medical facilities and disposal of dead bodies still stays a huge challenge with people throwing the dead bodies into the rivers and cremating in public places. The Centre is a failure in addressing the situation and ensuring vaccine to the citizens. Yet it has not refrained from pursuing its Hindutva fascist agenda of alienating the country’s Muslim citizens and dividing people along religious lines.

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The urge to implement CAA before its rules are even framed and while the Supreme Court is yet to start the hearing on the petitions filed against it comes out of desperation. Modi and Amit Shah are desperate for a whole new issue to keep people from thinking and asking questions about the tragic misrule, resultant economic downfall the country is headed to and the massive Covid mismanagement.

Their claims that the order has been issued under the Citizenship Act, 1955 and the Citizenship Rules, 2009 are also unfounded. In fact, the notification contradicts the sections of the act.

Popular Front calls on the democratic forces in the country to resist any attempt by the Modi Govt to bring back the discriminatory Citizenship Amendment Act 2019 through backdoor.

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