NIA Conducts Raid at Chelari: Raid has no connection with Popular Front


Malappuram: In a statement for the press, the Popular Front of India’s Malappuram former district president P Abdul Aziz has clarified that the NIA raid in Chelari had nothing to do with the Popular Front. He also asked the media to refrain from creating false news against the organization in this regard.

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It is learned that in a probe concerning a case against the son-in-law of Hanifa Haji, the Popular Front’s Chelari Area Secretary; Hanifa Haji’s residence was also subjected to a raid. Although Hanifa Haji’s son-in-law Rahul Abdullah is not connected to the organization in any manner, dragging Popular Front into this case comes with a bad motive.

The fact that the NIA has become an agency that traps political opponents is known to everybody. When the NIA has resumed silence on the reason for the raid, certain media groups have resorted to spinning stories portraying the organization as terrorists and thus exposed the special interest taken by the police and media in this regard. He urged people to prepare themselves to understand the truth and not believe the false propaganda produced by some media establishments.

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